Sunday, March 25, 2012

Garrett's Kountry Kitchen

"Home cookin' like Mom used to make'"

Dick & Damonica - Owners


Next to Meadow Lake Equestrian Center

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Whistle Stop - Glendale, KY

The Whistle Stop - found on the way to Nashville from Lexington (or Louisville).

A lucky find for a tired and hungry traveler!

Great home cookin'.

Just off exit 86 from I-65, in a cute little "blink" of a town.

(270) 369-8586

Stinky and Cocos Diner - Winchester, KY

The BEST Shrimp & Grits EVER!!!

Been here THREE times and always get the grits.  (Worth swaying off the Vegan path for these!!!)

Call ahead for Carry Out--(859) 744-8100
Stinky & Coco's Diner
1 N. Main Street
Winchester, KY 40391

Cedar Villiage - Irvine, KY

2013 :: This is closed.  Former owner has opened "Michael's" in Ravenna, KY.  I haven't tried them, yet.

100 3rd Street 
Ravenna, KY 40472
(606) 723-9997

Cedar Village Restaurant 
1100 Richmond Road, Irvine, KY 40336
(606) 723-7777

I have eaten here, once, and liked it.  Very simple, but good, honest food (and people).

Country Buffet.   
Monday    Closed
Tuesday -         11am - 8pm
Wednesday -    11am - 8pm
Thursday -        11am - 8pm
Friday -             11am - 8:30pm
Saturday -         11am - 8:30pm
Sunday -           11am - 5pm 

Old Stone Inn - Simpsonville, KY

I haven't eaten here yet, but it's on the list.

This place is in Simpsonville, KY - on the way to Louisville from Lexington.  aka: US 60.

6905 Shelbyville Road Simpsonville KY 40067
Phone: (502)722-8200